By BaconLover - 28/10/2013 04:58 - Japan

Today, my girlfriend asked me if I could love anything more than her, and if so, what. I guess "bacon" was the wrong answer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 613
You deserved it 45 514

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Although bacon is amazing and a direct gift from the gods, I think it's okay to lie and say that you don't love anything more than her in this instance

thatonegirlnic 10


martin8337 35

Football would have been a better answer.

Why would she even get mad? It's not like you said an ex or another female name. Honestly, if someone asked me I would say my mom & my niece. If it was a joke I would say say something stupid like bacon(which is freaking awesome). :)

You can get her a bouquet of bacon roses as an apology

she deserved it for asking a stupid question like that.

Haha I would've laughed at that...and I don't even eat meat. (Cue the dirty jokes.)

Hey that's a pretty good answer--I wouldn't have been offended by it; I make pretty good bacon lol :)

She shouldnt ask questions, if she's not prepared for the answer so.. I'm voting your life sucks

Remember bacon will always be there for you bro!

Bad move. Seriously, that's not a time to joke. And I'm hoping that was intended to be a joke.

Ugh. I hate when significant others ask questions like that. It just screams insecurity. I still wouldn't have said bacon if I were you though OP, however great and delicious it is.