By BaconLover - 28/10/2013 04:58 - Japan

Today, my girlfriend asked me if I could love anything more than her, and if so, what. I guess "bacon" was the wrong answer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 612
You deserved it 45 506

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Although bacon is amazing and a direct gift from the gods, I think it's okay to lie and say that you don't love anything more than her in this instance

thatonegirlnic 10


martin8337 35

#63. no you do not look fat at all.

I don't care if you're overweight; I've seen your soul, and you look great.

This is wrong but bacon is amazing. So i can't really fault you on this

perdix 29

She'd be the perfect girlfriend if she invited you to a three-way: you, her and bacon. Is anybody out there thinking about having bacon during sex not getting horny? I didn't think so ;)

Lol, at least you're honest. I'd find it funny :)

Search for "Does Bacon Really Make Everything Better? Here's The Math" by Maria Godoy, which is an attempt to prove bacon is best. Even so, I wouldn't have told your GF that.

MooseKnuckle5150 13

If she asks again say. "Your sister" then move on. These insecure ones will be nothing but drama and heartache throughout your relationship.

bobo_the_bear 5

OP, you are either a smart-ass or a rookie at relationships. Tell her you meant her naked, covered in a mound of bacon,

You should've said "Yeah I will in a couple years another girl" -who? "She'll call you mommy"

if my boyfriend told me that, he wouldnt be coming near my ****** anytime in the near future. bacon bribes or not.