By BaconLover - 28/10/2013 04:58 - Japan

Today, my girlfriend asked me if I could love anything more than her, and if so, what. I guess "bacon" was the wrong answer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 613
You deserved it 45 514

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Although bacon is amazing and a direct gift from the gods, I think it's okay to lie and say that you don't love anything more than her in this instance

thatonegirlnic 10


She wanted the truth. She couldn't handle the truth.

Ooh yeah... You deserved it alright, And your girlfriend has no sense of humour.

Ask a question you don't want an answer to, expect an answer you don't want to hear.

If I asked my boyfriend that and he said bacon, I would be rest assured I had a decent man

What is wrong with you, are you an immature preteen that is obsessed with this bacon fad?

If she asks him, then she should expect an honest answer. At least he didn't say some something like another girl. She needs to lighten up. I mean sometimes I like bacon more than my boyfriend!

When a woman asks you that question, simply tell they will hate the answer no what you say. Same goes for "Do I look fat in this?" :) Still, I think YDI because I do not get this sudden bacon craze we're having at all. I mean it's great(tasting) and everything, but come ON!

Honestly I would have said the same thing!

F HER LIFE for having an insensitive boyfriend. Bah. Who am I kidding. Unless her labia taste like bacon she deserves it.