By thanksnicksparks - 11/06/2012 05:25 - United States

Today, my girlfriend asked me if I loved her. I tried to be cute and romantic and responded with a quote from the Notebook, which I watched with her yesterday. After I said, "If you're a bird, I'm a bird," she broke up with me because I was "phony and unoriginal." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 753
You deserved it 10 316

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, now you know that you obviously deserve better than this ungrateful bitch. Sorry OP, hope you find someone nicer! (:

AsianCookie247 14

Your girlfriend is unappreciative. I personally think that's really sweet and cute. Sorry, OP.


Awh I wish my boyfriend would say stuff like that. You can do much better, plenty of girls want a guy like you!

Wahhhh. That sucks! She is clearly a bitch. I would go crazy if a guy quoted the notebook.

P1Nk13 7

well maybe she wanted it to come from the heart. stealing shit from movies is corny anyway.

You're just as bad as the guy who claimed to be a shark only to get beat down by his gf... YDI

totheforest84 4

Shallow bitch.. The world doesn't need them.

I would have asked you to marry me had you quoted that to me.

I don't watch chick flicks and I'm not into that kind of thing but I know most girls are.. And that's nice of you to consider that for her.. I agree.. Definitely ungrateful. Go find someone better.

Guess she didn't really love anyways

Sometimes it's kind of shocking, for what reasons people break up. I love my boyfriend. He's not the perfect romantic guy. But he's the one I fell in love with! Read between the lines!