By thanksnicksparks - 11/06/2012 05:25 - United States

Today, my girlfriend asked me if I loved her. I tried to be cute and romantic and responded with a quote from the Notebook, which I watched with her yesterday. After I said, "If you're a bird, I'm a bird," she broke up with me because I was "phony and unoriginal." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 753
You deserved it 10 316

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, now you know that you obviously deserve better than this ungrateful bitch. Sorry OP, hope you find someone nicer! (:

AsianCookie247 14

Your girlfriend is unappreciative. I personally think that's really sweet and cute. Sorry, OP.


bettyc4 26

You totally asked for it. Just say" yes" you freakin love her so damn simple

superguppy19 3

My ex was like this she was unappreciative that's why karma forced me to end up not purposely cheating on her at a party her own dumb fault, bitches get stitches

Brilliant reasoning. Got yourself convinced it was karma when you tripped and landed in someone else? Your ex *might* have been unappreciative but you're definitely a cheating douche.

superguppy19 3

It wasn't intentionally I have a good heart she unfortunately got what she deserved apparently im just meant to be with someone else it's just a shame things happened the way they did

I like how this dumbfuck is using karma as a cop-out for his sorry ass cheating behavior. I don't know your girlfriend so I can't say anything about her, but your but based on your comments, you're an immature cheating lowlife. Grow the **** up, it's pathetic.

PYLrulz 17

So instead of breaking up with your gf, you go and cheat on her. **** you man, **** you!

perdix 29

That's one question you just don't **** around with. There's a McDonald's ad where the guy says "I love you" to the girl and she stammers, "You're the Egg McMuffin of boyfriends." In real life, she'd get hot coffee to the face and be reduced to panhandling for bus fare to get home. Other questions not to **** around with: - Do these pants make my butt look fat? - Do you think she's pretty?

Shadow_Phantom 26

I honestly don't get why girls ask those questions... and then get pissed off when a guy answers truthfully. (Then again, I'm the type of girl who would be asked 'do you think she's hot?' and answer accordingly.) Honesty is good when it comes to relationships; lies just tangle everything up and cause stress.

There's a fine line between being honest and being rude. A little tact is called for on occasion, no matter how silly the question is.

perdix 29

Asking one girl if she thinks another is hot is an entirely different question. There is only one way to answer those questions and doing otherwise causes the most stress. If the correct answers don't match what you honestly feel, suck it up and lie through your teeth.

RedPillSucks 31

Yeah. I got my hands crushed when my response was "Hell yes!!!" ? I'll let you figure out whether the question was Do you love me? Do you think she's attractive? Does this make my butt look big?

In all actuality I've never seen that movie and I'm a girl but it was very sweet of you to say that to her So sorry OP do hope it gets better for you

I can't blame her actually. How many thousands of guys have said that just because it was what the girl wanted to hear? That's why I can't stand it when guys send me songs that are supposed to be meaningful and romantic. They won't be because the song was written for someone else. ("You raise me up" *vomit*). FYL though, you didn't deserve to be dumped over that. The fact that you even watched The Notebook with her says it all.

perdix 29

It was a trap! By watching "The Notebook" and memorizing some of the dialog, she revealed that you are too pussy-whipped and lost respect for you. A real man would have left, fallen asleep or insisted on watching sports in the picture-in-picture. A nice guy would let the movie have the full screen, but a "bad boy" alpha male would make the chick flick squeeze into the little box with the closed captioning on instead of sound.

I miss picture-in-picture, my tv broke and the new one doesn't have it. I hate when girls try to trap me with questions like that, so now I always carry something pink and shiny and covered in sparkles (just incase).

If a guy was trying to be romantic with me I would honestly hate it if he quoted The Notebook, since I hate that movie. But I wouldn't break up with someone just over that.

RedPillSucks 31

But he would know better since you wouldn't have watched it with him. In OPs case, he watched it with her, and I'm guessing (never saw the movie) it wasn't his idea.

Any guy who will watch the notebook with his gf is a great bf Sorry she cant see it

Sounds like she had already planned the breakup. She asked the question maybe hoping you would say no.

I kinda guessed even if you said yes then she'd still dump you