By thanksnicksparks - 11/06/2012 05:25 - United States

Today, my girlfriend asked me if I loved her. I tried to be cute and romantic and responded with a quote from the Notebook, which I watched with her yesterday. After I said, "If you're a bird, I'm a bird," she broke up with me because I was "phony and unoriginal." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 753
You deserved it 10 316

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, now you know that you obviously deserve better than this ungrateful bitch. Sorry OP, hope you find someone nicer! (:

AsianCookie247 14

Your girlfriend is unappreciative. I personally think that's really sweet and cute. Sorry, OP.


mhud4911 0

i wish my boyfriend would be cute like that. i can't even talk him into watching the notebook with me! you deserve better!

thats what you get for being gay about it

U were trying to b romantic.... That is sad that she broke up u :/

Maybe you should to be less disgustingly cheesy next time.

Were you his girlfriend? Damn. For a pretty face like yours your heart is pretty dull.

to which you should have responded "well I'm still a bird, but your a BITCH!"

If she broke up with you over something as trivial as that, then she's not worth dwelling on. Sure, it's disheartening, but if she was gonna be that drastic over something like this, then forget her. You're better than that, and you don't need to put up with someone who's just going to get upset over insignificant things like movie quotes.

marisadc79 0

That sucks I'd have loved that you deserve better