By alex - 14/03/2011 14:44 - United States

Today, my girlfriend asked me to hold her purse while shopping. All of a sudden, a robber punched me in the face and took her purse. She started crying about her purse and told me to get off the ground because I was embarrassing her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 791
You deserved it 10 072

Same thing different taste


wow, that is some hardcore embarrassment D: sorry man! maybe you should take self defense classes!

wow ur a pussy. you got knocked out and a guy stole ur gfs purse.... wow. She had the right to be pissed. Most likely had money, credit cards, id, and stuff in there and her boyfriend was the one who got knocked out for it. yeah i would say she was justified for being emberassed. Your flot out pathetic!

hey dumbass, maybe he was sucker punched in the back of the head? chill out and consider the situation.

so his face is on the back of his head 18? agreed with 15

he said all of a sudden the robber punch so it was out of nowhere most likely he didnt even see the guy

no one said he got knocked out so chill out dude

YDI for agreeing to hold her purse.

Gabbymcbride 2

Dude man up, or grow some balls. Seriously. YDI.

gb_chrs 2

she lost her purse after trusting it to her bf, who got knocked out by surprise. fyl for both of you.

cheeksMcgeeks 3

LOLOL $HE SHULD SU333 H1MMM LOLZZ!!!!!!11!! DUMP H1$ @$$$!!11!*@&

Thabb 0

Will someone please tell me what the difference between manning up and growing balls is?

"manning up": having balls, but not using them. "getting balls": growing a pair , and having the lost art of using them.

Does that mean if I seem someone punch you in the face I can tell you that? Robbers don't usually go 'hey, I am randomly going to steal something' all of the sudden, they usually know what they are doing. It's not an actual fight, they just need you down. Hit hard enough, most people would go down unless you are a huge wrestler, body-builder, ect. I kinda hope you get mugged at some point so you can get told to 'man up'

zendaddy0 0

through the words of her ex ..... man what a bitch