By fucklife - 16/04/2013 18:13 - United States - Washington

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me because she heard me say "love you" on the phone. I was talking to my mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 546
You deserved it 5 210

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you dont wanna be with a girl that unreasonable and crazy

simplysarcastics 26

Wacko girlfriend... If she's that silly then i approve that break up.


bach2121 13

She didn't even bother asking who you were talking to?

You don't want to be with a girl who's that unreasonable. You're probably better off, OP!

What's with all these insane girlfriends?!? Where are you guys finding these chicks??

There's noooo way that much crazy was hiding and just popped out. You should have seen this coming.

Well maybe you'll realize you're actually better off without her around!