By fucklife - 16/04/2013 18:13 - United States - Washington

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me because she heard me say "love you" on the phone. I was talking to my mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 546
You deserved it 5 210

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you dont wanna be with a girl that unreasonable and crazy

simplysarcastics 26

Wacko girlfriend... If she's that silly then i approve that break up.


zilla52 12

you're better off finding. someone. that trust you

Meh, another crazy you have successfully alienated, good for you.

Aw...It okay. She ain't worth your time, if she actin that crazy....But if you love her explain to her who you were talking to.

I love my mom waaaay more then half the guys I've dated! Good riddance to her. She's probably spaz if you bought your mom flowers on Mother's Day. Would she cut in half way threw the mother son dance at your wedding?

Stormdriven37 6

Why are people saying the OP deserves it? "Oh YDI for loving your mom." Seriously?

Yeah, I know. That's some pretty messed up crap to say he gets a YDI for that.

I'm sorry, that sucks. I'm sure she'll come around after realizing her harshness. Plus, it's cute when guys say it to their mums so just stay strong :) you'll be fine mate