By isaidfuckoff - 27/06/2015 18:29 - United States

Today, my girlfriend came back from her mission trip with hickies all over her boobs. She said it wasn't cheating because she was doing God's work and that they canceled each other out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 357
You deserved it 2 806

Same thing different taste


Draconus324 4

Just one more case of religious BS

I am an athiest but I respect everyone's religion. And I don't respect the athiests that don't. But under this case and many others where Christianity is put over common sense and logic. I think it is ******* stupid. She cheated on you. No doubt.... Just like when a family had a kid with cancer and he had a 75% chance to live with kemotherapy but the family said that they had a vision that god would save him if he got off of kemotherapy. He did and died 2 days later. The parents blamed the doctors and said that if he never went on kemotherapy he would be alive, they even trids to sue.... so dumb.

sethsmith11 21

As a Christian I think most of the time God works through common sense and logic. I respect different views. Not all Religious people are idiots, they're are some. As there is on any belief in God, gods, or lack of one.

so your in a lesbian relationship and she is doing mission work? that doesn't make sense...

oyevey45 12

Just because she thinks she repented her sins to God, doesn't mean it fixed things with you.

tell that cheatin B to kick gravel and travel.

For everyone telling him to dump her, look at his user name. It's as clear as day what he told her to do. Kudos to you OP!

Hmm pretty sure that isn't the work that was intended and would in fact make it worse that she cheated during that.

Sathane 21

Your girlfriend is a ***** and you should make a phone call to the mission co-ordinator and let them know what kind of a ***** she is.

darthhera 11

Oh look. Another religious hypocrite.