By isaidfuckoff - 27/06/2015 18:29 - United States

Today, my girlfriend came back from her mission trip with hickies all over her boobs. She said it wasn't cheating because she was doing God's work and that they canceled each other out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 357
You deserved it 2 806

Same thing different taste


codytallica 38

I'm atheist so idc about the religion aspect but I'm against cheating but I believe in eye for an eye so go **** her best friend and tell her it wasn't your fault because you were tempted by the devil.

NodakN8V 25

Pretty soon it's going to be Karmas work as her ass will be on the curb

Aha, I suppose Jebus said it was ok then? <sarcasm>

my only question is this her first mission since being with you? and how many "missions" has she been on for your sake dump her and maybe get checked after morals like that we don't know what she got

Funny how Jehovah is so flexible, isn't it? I know the feeling.

just one thought when it comes to her she a ****

blink831forever 13

Dump her and find some one better. You deserve some one better than her.

She needs to start praying for her soul.