By jisaac09 - 17/03/2013 05:05 - United States - Danville
jisaac09 tells us more.
"In there" as in in the same room. We just got done eating and I guess something didn't agree with her. I guess this beats the alternative (******** in the floor outside the bathroom). She was kind enough though to flush. I turned my head upside down and let the scolding hot water run into my nose. I feel clean.
Top comments
Some things need to stay private... Like pooping.
cute pic :3
That's such a cheesy line, 12.
Or.... OR... It IS a cute picture and it should be allowable for someone to say so without being slammed for it, since it doesn't hurt anything :P He's not necessarily hitting on her
Yeah unless there's only toilet in the house. When you gotta go you gotta go.
I disagree. Pooping can be a childish but fun thing when you're comfortable around eachother. Me and my boyfriend get laughs out of it, even though it is horrible childish, I am glad I can do that with him.
OR you can stop peeking and take the dang shower like you're supposed to. This shouldn't be a big problem, especially if they only have one bathroom.
Take a dump whilst she's in there showering then! It can be a two way thing..
well it shows they are comfortable with each other :)
It really is a comfort thing. I'll stand in the bathroom talking to my boyfriend while he takes a dump, and vice versa lol. It's perfectly normal to us.
Take a dump in the tub before she goes in there!! That'll teach her
I think that's just too comfortable with each other. A little mystery in a relationship is good no matter how long you've been together... Like the mystery of what your constipated poop face looks like! I don't want my husband to know what that looks like, then when I'm trying to be all sexy for him all he will be able to picture is my poop face!
That must be because your poop face is the same as your sexy face.
Is the dump-taking being done in the bathtub with you? Or are you showering in the toilet? Details, man! We need details!
Hey for all we know he could have been in the midst of shoving his down the shower hole the last time she got in with him and now this is payback.
"In there" as in in the same room. We just got done eating and I guess something didn't agree with her. I guess this beats the alternative (******** in the floor outside the bathroom). She was kind enough though to flush. I turned my head upside down and let the scolding hot water run into my nose. I feel clean.
@71 I don't understand why everyone makes such a big deal out of it either. I think it's a good thing when you are that comfortable around each other.
I think 71 is under the impression that they are separate rooms...
I think being that comfortable around each other is a bad thing.
I really don't see a problem with her pooping while you shower. If you only have one bathroom then you are shit out of luck. My husband and I frequently share the bathroom at the same time. He poops while I shower and vice versa and I change my tampon and he's brushing his teeth. If you have only been together for a short time then I can understand your uneasiness, but longer than 6 months and living together. Get over it. You share body fluids. Neither of you can hide the fact that you shit, but you can cover it up some with air fresheners.
I'm going to have to disagree with you 93. I've been with my partner for 7 years and we don't share private bathroom time. No one wants to see what comes out of a place that they find very arousing on their partner. I think some things are better left unseen, unheard & unsmelled!
Oh it's alright, you can disagree. That's why we have these nice little forum discussions. Okay, it's not like we purposely go into the bathroom to share the space. We only have ONE bathroom and if one of us needs to do something while the other is in there, we aren't going to throw a shit fit if the space is invaded for a minute while the other does something else.
Nothing like stepping out of the shower into a noxious cloud of airborne fecal matter to make you feel comfortable.
97- Then you need to get over it because it's reality. If you can't handle that then I feel bad for your girlfriend/boyfriend. 7 years together and you can't even accept that people shit out of their assholes and piss. People vomit too, do you find her/his mouth disgusting?
I am so sorry, but this comment made me laugh so damn hard.
I have no problem with pooping n peeing while both are in the bathroom...the tampon thing I would be uncomfortable around...
#93 - YOU CHANGE YOUR TAMPON WHILE HE'S BRUSHING HIS TEETH?! Omfg! Thats so disgusting! Im sorry, but no amount of familiarity with my partner would ever coerce me to change a f*cking tampon while he's brushing his teeth. Its at this point that maybe you need to reevaluate the romance thats still alive in your marriage.
I used to think its cool you could be that close to each other, but for guys especially there is a level of sexiness they like to see in their girlfriend. Once they see you poop, I think that can damage that. In my current relationship of 4 years I can say it won't happen, my ex and I were almost more like friends that girlfriend and boyfriend.
In addition to my last comment, I guess if there is one bathroom and she had to go, he should either get out or deal. Sometimes there is no choice.
Not everybody's the same though 129
What the hell?! Why would this get thumbed down?! It is nasty! Lol
Getting comfortable in front of your partner is nasty? Everybody *****, you can deny it all you want, but that's a fact.
Anybody who gets anywhere NEAR saying "Sounds like a shitty situation" should be punched. Also, voice your distress, OP. Just let her know it makes you uncomfortable.
you can't not have noticed... don't be surprised if you get buried.
Man, he's really angry. That puts us in a kind of shitty situation, don't you think?
I thought girls didn't take dumps? Hmmm
Apparently us girls don't do alot of things
I thought girls don't fart either. It makes sense why they don't go boom boom now
girls dont fart. it just builds up and comes out as drama.
51, that is the greatest thing I've ever heard/read!
I'm not even at that point with my family members.
You should never be at that point with your family.
Your family is completely different.
Just say no!
unless you're both 60 then nope! you're not at that point yet. ;)
There is NEVER an acceptable time to dump in front of a guy.
pretty much. my girlfriend and i routinely walk into the bathroom while the other is using it. doesnt even phase either of us anymore.
Are you one of those girls who farts lavenders and roses and sweats glistening beads of pineapple juice. Everyone ***** and when you have to go, you have to go. Where in the hell was she suppose to go, the kitchen sink or the backyard while he showers?
I agree 15, I guess I'm just too lady like to ever do that in front of a guy. :/
And your picture demonstrates just how lady-like you are.

Is the dump-taking being done in the bathtub with you? Or are you showering in the toilet? Details, man! We need details!
Take a dump whilst she's in there showering then! It can be a two way thing..