By steve - 05/09/2012 08:14 - Australia - Melbourne

Today, my girlfriend dumped me because I didn't take her pet rock seriously. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 062
You deserved it 5 345

Same thing different taste

Top comments


that is messed up ... wow ... learn how to grow up....

papaya24_ 2

Then it's probably best you be out of there.

KatieNari 5

Should have put a piece of paper over it & said "paper covers rock, I win!" & walked away...hope she's happy (by herself) with her inanimate object for the next....shall we say 40ish years. I heard of crazy cat ladies with umpteen cats...just picture her with two dozen rocks in a room & her in a rocking

KevH88 0

A pet rock? That bitch clearly lost her mind and hit rock bottom.

theladysman 1

shame on you if you want to get some be nice and agree even if you domt