By steve - 05/09/2012 08:14 - Australia - Melbourne

Today, my girlfriend dumped me because I didn't take her pet rock seriously. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 062
You deserved it 5 345

Same thing different taste

Top comments


The pet rock is one of the most pointless inventions on the planet and the guy is worth like millions of dollars. Makes me sick that he can invent something so stupid and make billions yet most of us have to work our asses off and scrape the bottom of the barrel to survive. Ugh. OP, I don't blame you for not taking her pet rock seriously; sounds like she needs to grow up and that you're better off.

foreveryoungever 2

If she only really cared about her rock, it must have been a stone-cold relationship.

You're ex is as dumb as a.... Uhh... pet rock...

UmmOkay91 0

Wow... that was childish of her.

Good thing about a pet rock, She cant kill it! OP your way better off with someone who has a real pet like a dog, a cat or even a fish!

Our pet rocks are serious business ya know?