By M.A. - 25/02/2014 05:22 - United States - Prescott

Today, my girlfriend dumped me. This poses a problem, because her mother is my boss, and we work in an office on the first story of their apartment. Tomorrow I have to decide whether to quit my awesome and only job, or go to work for my now ex's mother in their house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 107
You deserved it 5 552

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fooltemptress 36

At least it's only the first story. That's a survivable fall if you get thrown out the window by either the ex or the mother ...

Unless your now ex-girlfriend is making it seem like you dumped her and creating drama, i don't see how this is a problem. Talk with your 'boss' outside of working time because work and home drama should not mix. It's not professional.


This is why we don't mix business and pleasure.

If you quit your job your money stops. If your money stops you'll have to sell your car and buy a motorcycle. If you buy a motorcycle, you'll date bisexual girls with names like Envy and Destiny. Only then will you wake up to find your Destiny on your Triumph over Envy.

jmann8811 15

That's why they say don't date your coworkers but I say keep your job

sweetestbitcheva 14

Boy that will be awkward. Good luck OP!

martin8337 35

She dumped you, you didn't dump her. I don't think that there should be any problems.

Epikouros 31

Let's hope it'll be up to you to decide. It would suck to be fired as well as dumped.

Now it depends how her mother keep you or lay you off...

I'd just walk away, but that's just me. Good luck dude!

If her mom is professional she will pretend nothing happened and btw you and your gf breaking up is personal your job is strictly business !!!