By M.A. - 25/02/2014 05:22 - United States - Prescott

Today, my girlfriend dumped me. This poses a problem, because her mother is my boss, and we work in an office on the first story of their apartment. Tomorrow I have to decide whether to quit my awesome and only job, or go to work for my now ex's mother in their house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 107
You deserved it 5 552

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fooltemptress 36

At least it's only the first story. That's a survivable fall if you get thrown out the window by either the ex or the mother ...

Unless your now ex-girlfriend is making it seem like you dumped her and creating drama, i don't see how this is a problem. Talk with your 'boss' outside of working time because work and home drama should not mix. It's not professional.


There is an ancient piece of Wisdom: "Don't Shit where you eat" Well yes, it's too late for this now. OK Fine. Yes, Go. Go in to work. Go in. Act professionally and perfectly. If someone (her mom, her, whomever) Gives you some nonsense.... Be Nice. Her Mom's The Boss. Not only does she pay your bills now, but she's also a reference for future employment-someone whom you are going to want people in the future to call and say 'Yes he worked for me and he did good things'. So Be nice and look around for your next opportunity. When you find it, Take it-And when you take it, exit with grace having learned the previous lessons, and consider yourself very lucky-in some places there are folks who wouldn't hesitate to find a way to scream 'SEXUAL HARASSMENT' or something so count your blessings.

skipper2009 18

Why should it matter? Work is work if the mother is at all professional an understanding there shouldn't be a problem. If you are so worried about it then talk to her about it and get it out right away.

Relf 19

I dont understand how the job would be so awsome after that, better get to them job searchinz

Axel5238 29

Hopefully, you can keep working and not have more issues start looking for another job. Dating a co-worker is always bad because it complicates things and can potentially ruin a job/reference. Start looking for other jobs due your best and never date someone you work with.

mimi809o 21

I say stay at your job. Don't let her have the upper hand; show her you're stronger than she thinks :)

OP, as long as you didn't do anything stupid to cause the breakup, you should continue working there unless asked to leave. If that's the outcome, hopefully, you'll get a nifty severance check.

Solution: sleep with the mother, that way you can get back at your ex and climb the corporate ladder

Well she dumped you go show her that you're better without her!

PainOfDemise 11

You should be alright, she dumped YOU. Now if you dumped her, that might be another story.