This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By Anonymous - 16/08/2012 19:36 - United States - Houston

Today, my girlfriend found my list of women I've had sex with, complete with the ratings I'd given them. The list is in chronological order. She's not only not the highest rated, she's not last on the list. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 533
You deserved it 175 482

Top comments

That's what u get for being a cheating Douche Bag!!

I hope she sends someone to kick your ass. I hate cheating douchebags like you.


You shouldn't have even keepin that or even cheat...YDI so much

People like you sicken me. The fact that you would come on here looking for sympahty after you just showed us how much of a cheating douchbag you are is extremely pathetic. I hope she dumps your sorry ass and never talks to you again, also while posting your list on Facebook for everyone to see, so everyone can see what a complete asshole you are.

joanngal 4

Lol that's so funny! Fml! Rate me next lol

You sir, are not only a douche canoe, you're also the reason women don't trust the guys they should. That is all.

Dusty_Busters 15

Lol how very.... Special of you

It's called karma I hope you get everything you deserve. Cheating douchebag.

hgfdtyi12 4

you don't deserve any girl. you totally and completely deserve it. she doesn't deserve it of course

totheforest84 4

You are an idiot not only does that information belong logged in your brain only, your a jackass for cheating. Come on here looking for sympathy? You will get none here.