By nobrony - 02/07/2012 19:53 - United States - Katonah

Today, my girlfriend got a tattoo of a Rainbow Dash over her pubic mound. Now whenever I go down on her, I'll be eye-to-eye with an adorable pony that shits rainbows. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 944
You deserved it 5 493

Same thing different taste

Top comments

clarissasyima 7

Now you can taste the rainbow ;)

I bet that makes you feel like a pedophile.


What's up with adults who are still into the cutesy crap? Most of us grew out of that when we were six.

Well you ARE a miserable killjoy, Calyx, so I'm not surprised. Bitching someone out for not knowing the difference between right and wrong at that age may be justified, but crying over what other people find engaging is just pathetic, really. And I say this as someone who doesn't even watch that show.

Thanks a lot, Debbie Downer. and that's coming from a Ray of Midnight.

KVKdragon 26

So adults (like me and my college friends) who like shows such as Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra are into cutesy crap? You're a piece of cutesy crap then :)

12, Who do you define as "most of us"? I don't know anyone who grew out of cutesy crap at the age of 6...Shit, we had only just discovered the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Maybe you need some more cutesy crap in your life, it might brighten your day a little and distract from the mundane grey of your life.

TriflingAllDay 6

Defining "most of us". Those that are into cutesy stuff.

Most people don't care what others are into and don't rip into people for it. Sorry that your parents gave you power tools and a broken down car when you were six.

45, Actually that would be the opposite of what he's saying. Good try though...

I've already planned to get a small Rainbow Brite tattoo. Know why? Because it carries a special meaning to me. And other so-called "cutesy" tattoos probably have a special meaning, too.

Call me a curmudgeon but name one person who accomplished anything meaningful who was watching cartoons intended for 6 year olds as an adult? One. You think Steve Jobs was a brony? Don't get me wrong, I'm all for a little Afro Samurai, Paprika, Archer, Ninja Scroll or animation for adults But if you're old enough to eat pussy you probably should be past watching ******* Barney and Friends. If you're 28 and still playing with My Little Pony and Hello Kitty crap you are officially immature. (And yes, I was taking apart old televisions with my father's tools and playing with oscilloscopes when I was 8. It was loads of fun.)

140- I don't have an example, but there are adults who watch cartoons with their toddlers, and end up enjoying it too. That automatically makes them immature and unsuccessful?

It's funny you should say that.. I watch cartoons all day long.. I still watch dragon ball z, pokemon, digimon, last air bender, legend of Korra, naruto.. Etc...Any other anime I missed? I'm also a premed student who has high grades, is a junior at 19 years old, doing research as undergrad and I should say I still find time to go out with my friends who are also in college and enjoy cartoons as well. I say there are things you dont have to grow out of.. It's ok to still have a kid inside you sometimes.. Keeps life fun and not just about sex.

140, That becomes slightly difficult since that information isn't readily accessible to the rest of the world. Nobody really cares if Oprah has Hello Kitty stickers or if Michael Jordan watches Aladdin after a long day at practice, you know why? Because it really isn't that strange an idea. Besides, if you think success correlates with preference in entertainment then you should really be the one providing the evidence here. It's not up to us to disprove your stupid theories.

140 - That depends on your definition of "meaningful". How about you try every single person involved in creating anything animated. Try Disney, Pixar, Dreamworks, those huge giants ringing any bells? And being involved in graphic design and animation myself, you sir know nothing of what you're talking about. You're not in any authority to make comments or judgment on what is appropriate or mature when you're acting the way you are. I think you could use a good dose of cute and happy in your sad and cynical existence of a life, and stop judging others if you don't like getting the flak back from them.

127- So? It can't mean anything to me? I hope you feel like a dick after this. I guess I have to tell the story. Well my great grandma knew I loved Rainbow Brite as a kid and she bought me dolls,books, backpacks, everything Rainbow Brite inspired. Everytime we'd spend time together, we'd end up watching the show. We were really close. She's passed away. God rest her soul. Now do you know why it has a special meaning? And I didn't say I was getting the tattoo right this minute. Obviously when I'm of age.

127- And you're only two years older. Don't act like you're so much better.

Dude, Robert Downey Jr. Is a brony a brony and he plays ******* Iron Man. If that's not accomplished I don't know what is. Also Steven Colbert is a brony, how cool is that?

HelloChrissy 9

Wtf is with people and My Little Pony all of a sudden?

Mearemoi 14

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - I'm sure you've heard of it. The fandom has died down a lot, though.

They realized how awesome it is. Watch the first season, and you'll become a brony in no time.

Because my little pony friendship is magic is a freaking amazing show!

It's by Lauren Faust, who has had extremely funny shows in the past. (Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, etc..) many of the jokes in her shows appeal to older age groups.

Or, there's the ones who've been fans since childhood, have all the original ponies and items, and aren't just going along with the Brony/Pegasister stuff.

18- It hasn't died down, we're just more tame.

Did you notice most of the comments that are (for) my little pony or brony are from 17 year olds or younger? "Some peoples retarded a** kids these days"

Excuse me, last time I checked, there wasn't a mentally challenged commenter under seventeen. Next time you use a word, be aware of the actual meaning, please. And it's amazing how most of the kids under seventeen's grammar is better than yours.

It has not died down. Ever heard of BronyCon?

Deannie88 6

Close your eyes? Maybe the pleasure will take your mind off it

***** rainbows? That's it's tail. Quit horsing around, OP.

I'm not necessarily a pegasister BUT I have seen a few episodes and the cuteness and lifeskill-centered themes melt my heart. Not THAT huge of a fan though. However, if anyone wants to send any thousand dollar collector ponies my way, my address is: 444 Iloveponies Lane Castle-in-the-air, CA 90210

lildups 0

Eat the rainbow, taste the rainbow

uumlaut_strohson 3