By single - 15/12/2017 10:00 - United States - San Jose

Today, my girlfriend got paid by the richest guy in our school to go to the Winter Formal with him. She took up the offer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 237
You deserved it 507

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Be thankful you now know that your ex is basically a call girl. There is no trusting her.

Ewwww! How repulsive is this guy that even as the richest guy in school, he still has to pay someone to go out with him?


onceuponatime456 16

You do mean your EX-girlfriend. right?

manb91uk 22

Ditch the bitch and find a honey who doesn’t only care about the money

Tiny Terror 19

On the bright side, you don't have to go to the dance now!

***ex*** you're going to want to make sure you correct that to ex

Your girlfriend has got no respect for your relationship. Ditch her, you'll be better off on your own.

I ain't saying she's a gold digger. She ain't messing with no broke.

I feel for the OP. This sounds like a movie plot. But in real life, no good is going to come from this. Rich dude will always know he had to buy his date. The girl will probably become an escort. And OP lost his love. While it hurts now, In the long run OP is probably better off. He won’t have to buy his dates or know he’s just a ***** (unlike ex-girlfriend, now an escort). OP, let her go. Now you know who and what she is at heart. Go on about your life, someday you will meet someone who deserves you and wants to be with you for who you are.

Think about it. If he has to pay for his dates, who is really the loser here?