By Anonymous - 01/08/2013 07:36 - United States - Goodyear

Today, my girlfriend of 3 weeks gave me an ultimatum: marry her, or she kills herself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 446
You deserved it 6 396

Same thing different taste

Top comments

superman21_fml 19

Who else hates it when you accidentally hit the "you deserve it" button


blackvyper 8

Get your black suit cleaned so you're ready in either case.

Iniezian 18

Fun fact: most of these suicide threats are nothing but attention seeking. It is actually not at all uncommon among female partners to threaten suicide in relationships to prevent breakups. On a side note, she's obviously crazy, and if you do marry her, you'll likely end up getting divorced. With a 50% divorce rate, American divorce law being as anti-male as can be, and a crazy ex who will be out to get you (a woman as crazy as this WILL use the law to get revenge on you for "destroying" her marriage, even if she initiates the divorce, because you "made her"), the most probable outcome of any such marriage will be you getting sucked dry, losing your house, car, and half your stuff, and turning into her alimony slave for life, with no prospects of financial stability or retirement. And get this, ex-husbands are eight times more likely to commit suicide than ex-wives thanks to this.

@153 Divorce isn't nearly as scary as people make it out to be. She would only be entitled to half of the marital property, and that does not include anything that was obtained before the marriage. Alimony laws have changed over recent years too. Permanent alimony is a thing of the past. I got divorced last year. I was married for 9 years, 9 months, and 25 days. I got out of the divorce with custody of my two children and no alimony. She has to pay me child support. The property I inherited before the marriage was not even considered in the proceedings. I have two houses, and she has none. Family court isn't as anti-male as you might think.

153, you sound like one of those MRA people. You know, the guys who claim to be all for men's rights, but who're really just a bunch of semi-closeted misogynists. I guess wanting to feel persecuted is something that a LOT of people are into, yourself included, but get a grip and stop confusing your pervy fantasies with reality. :D

Damn you, jhs578650. You just HAD to get in there and mess with his paranoia by giving actual evidence that proves him wrong. How else is he going to bitch about those injustices now? :'(

Willibobs 33

153 - why female partners? Pretty sure men can say that sort of shit also. In fact, my ex of 3 years said he would kill himself if I left. Men and women alike can and do use emotional blackmail. He's still hasn't committed suicide it's all for attention and control. Don't get sucked in op!

Where did you get your facts? Do you have empirical data that proves that most people who threaten suicide are females seeking attention? You, sir, know nothing about which you speak and are part of the reason there is such stigma surrounding the subject of suicide and mental health.

Opt for the second and enjoy removing an imbecile out of humanity gene pool. If you accomplish nothing else, this feat is already worth living.

Threatening to commit suicide unless you do her bidding is a form of domestic violence. Report her to the police. That will give her 72 hours to think about her actions.

My ex used to threaten to kill himself if I didn't do what he wanted too. One day I got fed up and said, "Go ahead. Kill yourself." He didn't. She's just trying to manipulate you. She won't go through with it. Dump her crazy manipulative controlling ass. Her crazy isn't your problem.

Go out now!!! If she does off herself, the misery it will cause will be NOTHING compared to the misery you'll suffer in a marriage with her. Don't feel guilty about it either, you can't hold yourself responsible for the bad behavior of another.

icepick23 12

If she's hot, marry her! If she is not, tell her she is not hot enough to give you an ultimatum.