By Dave - 10/09/2009 13:37 - United States

Today, my girlfriend of 3 years told me that I was part of an experiment for her Sociology doctorate. I also learned that the notebooks she's been writing in for the past three years aren't for her "doctorate in literature" as she had told me, they were notes on my behavior for the past 3 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 527
You deserved it 3 572

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Can't be an experiment because if it was, human subjects have to give prior consent. Want to get even, complain to the dean of students that you unwillingly were a human subject for her experiments, feel as though your rights were violated and want to talk to someone at the university about its policies. She'll be F'd.


Hawk3487 0

I have a reason to believe it's fake: he said "sociology." Sociology is "group psychology"... he is only one person. Therefore, it would have to be a PSYCHOLOGY experiment. Good try though

this is bull. to conduct a study, there are ethics established by the APA, that you must follow, otherwise all information is moot. this is highly unethical, because the person wasn't privy to knowing a study was occuring. although, natural observation is perfectly fine, except for she obviously played a part, and manipulated variables, so this is a crap.


this is the OP's girlfriend/ex girlfriend, I only carried out this experiment because he is a transexual and I wanted to see how his inferior mind works. (ignore my username, it says trisha not NEWTROLLINTOWN, your eyes are telling you lies.) sorry op please forgive me

faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake. normally i hate people who say that, but seriously, just look at this shit

you ever hear of the woman who harassed an electrician for her psycology masters until he attacked her and turned her into a vegetable? you might consider putting her into that position.

capthavoc123 0

Bullshit. No Sociology doctorate student would do that, because even a first-semester undergrad Sociology student knows that you would instantly be expelled for conducting a grossly unethical experiment. It's against the code of Sociologists to conduct experiments such as what you're describing. Not only would she be kicked out of her program, but she would more than likely be censured and blacklisted from Sociology circles, ensuring that any work she did in the future would be rejected. What a shitty attempt to slander us men and women of science, fuckhead.

capthavoc123 0

Sociology is not group psychology. Sociology is not even a branch of psychology. They are completely different fields of study.

Hawk3487 0

what do you mean "totally different"? The two fields intertwine a lot. But my point still stands: it should be psychology and not sociology.

No University's IRB would sanction this. If they did, you're probably looking at a big suit that needs to be filed. Good luck brotha!

The Shape of Things... *is in love with Fred (in this movie, Phil)* Jet