By Anonymous - 11/02/2010 00:03 - United States

Today, my girlfriend of a couple of months texted me that she was very sad because her puppy had just passed away. Feeling sorry for her, I bought her another puppy of the same breed. I wrapped it in a blanket and placed it on the passenger seat and went to pick her up from school. She sat on it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 988
You deserved it 8 855

Same thing different taste


funny how we all went from the sad demise of the puppy to everyone hating snickerdoodles..

YDI for buying a puppy. Why buy when there are plenty that need a good home that are available for free? Hell, I don't know why I ask. We all endlessly spawn like mindless retards while starving children all over the world could be adopted and given a good home.

makc5point3vtec 0 seem like a person i would smack across the face because your so annoying...please refrain from any future commenting that is all -thank you-

anonmc 0

do not get her another puppy. no puppy deserves the kind of home she would give it. sheesh. who gets in a car without looking first?

hey, snickerdoodle. your comments are worthless, and most of the time they are very obvious. so stop making yourself look like a dumbass for pointing out the obvious and go play with your barbies. kthnxbye!

shreddinthagnar 0

Oh my god. I'm sorry but your girlfriend needs to be pretty stupid to just throw herself in to your car without looking at the seat first. And you're kind of stupid for leaving it on the passenger seat. I hope the puppy didn't die. Should be animal cruelty or something. And as for all the comments about snickers, it was a good laugh. :*