By ch - 04/03/2009 05:40 - United States

Today, my grandmother patched up my $300, vintage, limited edition, designer jeans because she thought I'd accidentally ripped them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 306
You deserved it 90 316

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well thats what you get for buying $300 jeans.

Maybe now you can reflect on how absurd it is to spend $300 on Jeans that are ripped, simply because they are "trendy"...


gettingowned 0

maybe your grandma didn't want you to look like a failure. we aren't giving granny enough credit here

King_of_Kings 3

#21 is right. i give credit to granny. who else gives credit?

Yup. Your granny sounds like she rocks! Credit goes to Granny Shuttup about your preppy little jeans and be grateful you have a grandmother who still loves you despite you being a douche bag and all that.

Meh, this trend is a product of sheer laziness. I rip all of my jeans the old-fashioned way: taking nasty spills off of mountain bikes, roughhousing with friends, playing sports, etc. You don't have to shell out hundreds of bucks to look like a juvenile delinquent, and you get to have memories and scrapes to go along with your holey jeans.

Today, I admitted to teh internets that I wear vintage jeans. FYL

Oh for the love of everything, YOU didn't spend the $300, the OP did. Maybe they had some sort of sentimental value or maybe everyone in the world isn't "of the land' or whatever. I mean, I wouldn't, but people do. Anyway, I do think it's kind of cute that your Grandma patched them up. Can't you unpatch them?

Chocolate_Chunk 2

if it had sent. value, OP would not have mentioned the price. And don't act like you wouldn't buy such overpriced, pre-damaged jeans because the way you write, you sure do.

Apparently typing correctly automatically makes one out to be a douche.

awo203 0

i think they might look cool like that, too. if pre-ripped jeans are supposed to make them look worn, patched-up jeans should do the same.

Fail. Be thankful you have jeans and a nice grandmother.

Your grandmother was being nice. And that aside, you deserve it if you ACTUALLY think it's a good idea to pay $300 for a pair of jeans. Sure, I have a designer jacket, only 2 others in the world, probably worth $700 (I think that's how much it cost, anyways), but I only bought it because it was on sale, for $50.

TheCalendarGirl 5

Oh damn. Cool kid, right here.

Only two others in the world... For 50$? Who is the designer, your mother?