By Anonymous - 12/06/2012 11:58 - United States - Gorham

Today, my grandmother saw me for the first time in years. "Not all your clothes have to be as tight as condoms, you tramp," is probably the nicest greeting she's ever given me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 309
You deserved it 9 124

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Grandparents. They say the truth, even if it hurts.

At least she acknowledged you....unlike mine :/ baby steps, OP


madipoo_LOVE23 0

I feel for you my grandfather thinks I'm gonna be on the next season of sixteen & pregnant..

AHAHAHAH XDDD THAT'S why you never see each other!

meaganinja 12

You shouldn't wear tight clothes, I've yet to see why girls think its cute to show off fat rolls.

Well, OP here. Just found this FML I posted a while before I has an account... My grandmother and I have actually gotten pretty close, even though she still has that sharp tongue of hers. She's been saying that to me for a while before the FML was posted, but she was saying it in Romanian, and I didn't know it translated into condom. I did eventually figure out what it means... Also, my clothes really weren't that tight, for all of you saying I shouldn't show off my fat rolls...

Oh the elderly...the feelings were mutual I hope...

marina1996 5

on one hand i understand why youre frustrated but on the other come on really? you cant dress up nice to go see your grandmother who you havent seen in a long time. my normal wardrobe is black t shirts and denim jeans but when i visit my grandparents i wear slacks and a long sleeves button up.