By Anonymous - 12/06/2012 11:58 - United States - Gorham

Today, my grandmother saw me for the first time in years. "Not all your clothes have to be as tight as condoms, you tramp," is probably the nicest greeting she's ever given me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 322
You deserved it 9 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Grandparents. They say the truth, even if it hurts.

At least she acknowledged you....unlike mine :/ baby steps, OP


61- I used to have a brotjer too but he dyed in a care accident.

trippythehippy 6

I just wanna see how tight these clothes are.... Trolllololol

mariah_victoria 0

Loooool I see what you did there ;D xD

perdix 29

I don't get it. Condoms fit very loosely -- I have to tape them in place! I guess that's because I buy the Regular Size to impress the ladies ;)

Didn't Marilyn have a dress so tight she had to be sewn into it? Yes. She did.


Shes Still nicer than my grandmother

Next time ask her how she knows how tightly a condom fits.

Sorry OP, but old people suck. Its just a fact of life.

TheDrifter 23

It also had a loose skirt and bloused sleeves. Selectively tight is sexy, pants so tight that people can clearly see the outline of the vulva and the roll of excess fat forced out the top is not.