By Stuck - 12/02/2014 18:25 - United States - Evans

Today, my house is on lockdown. I recently moved to Georgia from Rhode Island to be with my boyfriend. The state is on high alert for an ice storm. I'm stuck inside with my terrified boyfriend, who's calling it "the storm of the century". I used to walk to school in this weather. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 721
You deserved it 5 866

Same thing different taste

Top comments

unwantedforlife 14

That sucks for all of us from the north but to be fair, they are not used to any type of snow or ice

CallMeWindSock 24

And in the north, 50 degrees is T-Shirt weather!


FluffyGuitarGiy 13

Lol I'm from Georgia and I'm fine.

I live in Georgia and to be fair, we don't experience this kind of weather like y'all do.

And that's when us Canadians are in shorts working the BBQ.

xarina 11

My abuelita had never been out of California/Mexico until she came to visit one summer. Being that we live in southern Louisiana we are used to thunderstorms. She had never been in one and was terrified. It's always a little scary when it's something that you aren't used to, like the ice and snow here now. Although I'm sure I'll regret saying this, I'm ready for our 105 degree summers.

Yeaahhh, Georgia pride, gotta appreciate our 2 inches of snow!

Storm of the century? Guess he didn't live here in the 90's.

Tell him to come to Canada. We'll show him real cold.