By trisha - 16/07/2012 20:57 - United States - Wellesley Hills
Same thing different taste
Best Baby Names of 2021
By Anonymous - 28/01/2021 05:02
By noway - 03/01/2014 11:03 - France - Cholet
By spermbankonlegs - 16/03/2012 02:21 - United States
By Anonymous - 21/04/2009 04:43 - United States
By Anonymous - 23/10/2021 05:00 - Canada - Enderby
By futuremum - 22/03/2012 17:14 - United Kingdom - Bristol
Joyful news!
By AGeeksWife - 12/09/2012 07:03 - United States - Saukville
By Anonymous - 17/09/2014 22:10 - Canada - Toronto
Build your own
By Anonymous - 05/09/2024 13:00 - United States - Maryland Heights
By Anonymous - 29/10/2010 03:36 - United States
Top comments
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Show it anywayI have a cousin called Indigo and another called Cassius. They're from both parents naming them...
I'm definitely naming my kids Red, Blue, and Green.
I never said celebrities doing it was cool either.
Not sure which is worse, calling a child "Raindrop" or misspelling it.
21: I actually kinda like those names! Nice work. 25: The world is not going to hell in a handbasket. The next generation is not any stupider than the last one. The sky is not falling. Take a deep breath.
Thats not always true though. Yes the wife and I created our two together, but we both agreed that if it was a girl, she would name them, if it was a boy, I would name them. Some couples do that. Of course I never named them anything weird sounding though
My name is dave. Everyone knows a dave.
My friend decided Optimus prime as his boys name too.
84 Those sound like nicknames.. Electra Storm?
I think they wanna spell it that way
Moon Unit Zappa?!
Oh shit, that's messed up haha. "Hello my name is Electra Storm, how are you?" I'd be pissed
170: Not if you had lightning powers to go with it.
75 - It's not spelled wrong, it's just pronounced Raindrop-pee. Gotta be different ya know.
And now I picture A girl with the name Raindropp dancing in those sundrop commercials. Your child has a bright future in the soda industry ahead of him/her
123- bullshit
Why do people want their child to suffer such a horrible name?
193: Schoolyard nicknames for a kid called "Raindrop-Pee": Pee Drop Droop Drip The Drizzler Angel Piss Piss Pants Pee Pants Terry the Incontinent Dribbles Anybody else? Step right up and take a crack at a rude name for the OP's future child!
I want to name my first son Maxamillion or max for short
I don't see what's so terrible with both parents choosing the name together. My ex and I named our daughter Jaida-Lee together. I personally like it, but I'm biased. And it means neither of us have to look at her and think 'why the **** did I let him/her name her?
i dont see why people are downvoting 1's comment, i personally think that both should name it or at least agree on a name.
... My name is Talon! I love it though :)
Moon unit is dweezil zappas daughters name. That's not original.
293: Sure, it's a deliberate misspelling to make the name more unique. Mostly though it's just a way to ensure that the kid will someday spend a lot of his or her time on the phone with banks, governments, and utility companies trying to sort out the misspellings on his account. PSA: Don't make your kid's life a hassle; give them an easy-to-spell name.
#265 is a good example: his name is Talon, which is kind of unique, but it's spelled exactly how you'd expect it to be spelled. "Talonn" would have been much worse name. Incidentally, I have absolutely no idea wtf #265's profile blurb means...
228- please learn to spell Maximilian before you name your child.
His sister......
284,Dweezel & Moon Unit are brother and sister
89- my boyfriend says the same thing lol
At least Moon Unit is a nod to Frank Zappa...
308- he can spell it however he wants to. hop off.
I'd name one salt and the other pepper. ^_^
Only if they're twins then it's perfect
And only if ones blonde and ones brunette.
"Salt 'n' Pepa" would be a better name. Then when the OP is in the delivery room, the husband can coach her by saying: "Ah, push it - now p-push it real good"
I would name the other one umbrella then!
106- the children would have kids with each other?
And I'll name my children Sugar and Spice, because they make everything nice...
Name the second child "Not his"
My dogs name was Pepper!
^ no need to state the obvious
^ no need to live up to your username
Even though raindropp does seem pretty dumb, it might fit their last name. Lets give him the Benefit of the doubt
you should check out my profile first, js..
Js?? Really?? That lazy we can't just type jackass??
I hate to state the obvious 125, but I think MIzzKilljoy69 was going more along the lines of "just saying" and not "jackass".
Alright 125 I'm not going to ruin your little rant thing you had going there but "js" means "just saying"
Maybe she could stand under Rihannia
Ahahaa... Funny man. Gay username though.
Don't rain down on his parade, very creative name, he's a keeper.
The only reason you'd think thats normal is because your name is probably "cloudd"
It's okay 4, I thumbed up your comment. It's not fair that someone with almost the exact same comment got 100+ likes just because they posted a few seconds before you
Yeah bud imagine having to go through life with that name in today's generation
People can't name their kids for shit nowadays. I pray that he'll see the light and at the very least put Raindropp- which isn't even SPELLED correctly- in the middle, where it becomes a private, embarrassing story and not your child's daily torment.
There is a big difference between using an alternate spelling of an accepted name like Caleb, and something that is simply a word like Raindrop. It makes the namer look like they are unable to spell, and therefore not very intelligent. That being said, alternate spellings are annoying as well. I should know, as my parents saw fit to give me an alternate spelling of a name that was popular around the time I was born. No one spells it right on the first try, and very few remember the correct spelling without several reminders. The worst, though, is when I spell my name out for people letter-for-letter and they insist that THEIR spelling is correct. What the ****- I know how to spell my own name!
What's sad is my name is spelled correctly and every time a stranger has to write it they use a weird variation of it. It's a really common name as well.
I have people messing up the spelling of my very common name as well. The difference is, I don't have an alternative way of spelling it. I also don't complain about it. I would however complain if it was "Raindropp".
I don't get why it's such a big deal. Every name originates from a different language and is a word as well. Names as simple as mine (Jessica) mean something in other languages- in Hebrew its original spelling means foresight, so everyone is named after a simple word, just in a different language. Asians name their children after words in their own language so why can't we?
My daughter is going to have the same problem, 53. Her mother named her Zylla (pronounced with a long I sound), and most people mispronounce it on the first try, and look at me like I'm an idiot when I correct them. I fought the name; in fact, we had a different name picked out, but I didn't make it to the hospital in time, and she signed the birth certificate before I could get there.
I have that problem. Mine is Cheyanne, but everyone, even family (I was adopted 7years ago with my original name) doesn't spell it correctly sometimes.
70, I do.
Reminds me of this girl that desperately needed to separate herself from other sane mothers (and in the process, embarrass her child) by naming her daughter Nevaehika. Heaven spelled backwards. Plus "ika."
Lol I've heard of Ermintrude. At least with that the kid could be called Trudie.
My neice is named Nevaeh and I wouldn't say my Uncle was insane.
That heaven spelled backwards name is so overdone and people think they're being creative. Gag.
You agreed, so YDI!
One would hope she had some idea WHO she was agreeing with -- she married him, after all!
I clicked on it the other day... I am yet to regret it. :P

I'd name one salt and the other pepper. ^_^
Sorry he rained on your parade