By anne - 17/12/2011 03:46 - United States

Today, my husband called me to the bedroom to show me something. This "something" was him demonstrating his seemingly well-trained ability to accurately type out a sentence on my phone using nothing but his erect penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 862
You deserved it 6 011

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheSnakeDoctor20 17
monkeysareyummy 0

New 'Americas Got Talent' contestant?


linkinpark98 23

He must be proud of having an erection of that ability. :)

Lol who has a pencil dick? That's right you do! ????????

deidre823 7

That's actually quite cool lol.

mondayna 3

Now that's a "hard thing" to do. Haha anyone? No? Ok...

Makes you wonder if he typed that FML moment out...

robc32ca 4

Wow that sucks for you. Must be a small penis to do that .

aaronballslong 0

I can do that too, but I gotta stretch my arms all the way, if you know wad I mean ;D

generator115 2
Abrien 8

That's a good skill to have. Now was it touch screen or a blackberry? Those tiny keys would make for him being very accurate with his tip work.