By notinterested - 13/09/2011 10:11 - United States

Today, my husband dropped his pants and said, "Why don't you go down and say hello." This is his idea of foreplay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 374
You deserved it 5 445

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Sorry, my mom told me not to put small objects in my mouth. I could choke."


theelitejosh171 1

yeah theres no need for that kid

theelitejosh171 1

it must have been horriable watching ur mom get beat and raped by ur dad

123jdub 7

Hey it's not going to suck itself

JessalynVictoria 6

I hope your extra flexible cuz with an attitude like that no ones gonna suck yours!

peter1299 0

You should surprise him with a few that he doesn't have to ask for and maybe he will stop. When he is making if that obvious, something must be missing... Just my two cents.

goldfish78 11

How romantic! But make sure to clean his first before you start since he came back from work.

sounds like he wants you to be somewhat submissive.

laideehawk 6

Say hello to his "little" friend!

Mourningstar 4

Do the same to him, tell him "If you don't eat it, you don't need it"! Lol

If you're in any way complying with this, then you deserve it. If you're giving him a look of death when he does it, then you have my sympathies if he's that slow.