By notinterested - 13/09/2011 10:11 - United States

Today, my husband dropped his pants and said, "Why don't you go down and say hello." This is his idea of foreplay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 368
You deserved it 5 444

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Sorry, my mom told me not to put small objects in my mouth. I could choke."


anawfulhuman 0

You're headed for a divorce if you don't start sucking. Hate to break it to you.

Skip the 'hello' and just give him a brisk fist bump.

Speaker4TheDe4d 0

That means you don't do it enough just out of the blue and he needs to tell you to do it just to have a shot at receiving. You should be a better wife.

To tell you the truth, my boyfriend does the same.

bubo_fml 10

Spread 'em & say, "eat me at the fish market!"

alexhohohogue 0

My boyfriend says hey let's have sex and expects me to be ready or he's mad :/

good41thing198 7

You're an idiot for dating the douchebag

michi23 0

Well why is that a bad thing? You obviously need to spice things up.

Jujubilee 1

You should drop your pants and say, "COMMMME AND GET ITTTTT!!!!"

Cut the guy some slack, he could have whipped you over the face with it!