By juliearis - 06/07/2013 19:45 - United States - Westport

Today, my husband received the "antique" samurai sword that he bought on Craigslist with $399.99 of our money. He only shared my outrage at the waste of money when he opened the package, only to find a toy sword along with a note saying, "HAHA, TROLLED." FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 813
You deserved it 10 302

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ZombieInConverse 13

There are those assholes out there that pull that shit. Sorry OP.

Kozmotis 8

Try to sue him for false advertising.


Wow, is there a way to track him down and notify an authority? I hope you can get the money back; good luck, OP.

Because he lost money, then this is not "trolled" anymore, it is a fraud and the guy should be put in prison. I mean, parcel can be used to track sender down. Buying "antiques" via craiglist was definitely a stupid move though.

Y'know, I have always wondered why some FML's are taken down, even the good ones.

29-Usually it's because of multiple idiotic, racist or bigoted comments regarding the OP, massive flamewars (which I may/may not have contributed to), the FML was reposted from either a previously posted FML or a meme or different website, OR The FML scenario is too unlikely to have happened. That's just in my experience since being a member of this site, but there may be other reasons.

FYL but your husband deserves it for trusting someone on Craigslist. All you can do now is try to get your money back and make your husband sleep on the couch for awhile.

Go and view it personally...eBay I find is better leave this case negative...

graceinsheepwear 33

You can't leave feedback on CL.

Authentic samurai sword- $9,000.00 The expression on your husband's face- priceless!

KiddoKS 19

You wish he would've just watched some **** now, don't you?

Why would anyone pay for something before seeing it with their own eyes, off Craigslist....