By Mimi - 16/04/2013 01:35 - United States - Vallejo

Today, my husband told me that he thinks I am getting a little heavy and may need to lay off the junk food. The ultrasound is hanging on our fridge. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 788
You deserved it 5 759

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I suggest you tape the ultrasound to his forehead.

bott_fml 4

Sounds like you're going to have to point it out to him. Your husband doesn't seem too bright.


51 then you would lose the only thing going for the argument of if woman are equal to men.

You can still use pregnancy as an excuse and end up eating more then you should. Just remember you are eating for 2, not 3 or 4.

itskentoo 5

Ever thought it was a joke..?

Elfkid21 19

well oinker, stop eating so much junk food.

serinabugatti 6

what a ******* douche bag!

Hubby sounds about as bright as a flashlight with dead batteries.

ninja_darkstar 6

I'm so sorry that man happened

Come ooon. No one should ever ever EVER make a woman feel bad about her weight, especially when she's pregnant. Isn't it bad enough the media floods us with anorexic-looking women every day? I bet you look fine just the way you are, OP! I hope you kicked him in the nuts for that.