By Mimi - 16/04/2013 01:35 - United States - Vallejo

Today, my husband told me that he thinks I am getting a little heavy and may need to lay off the junk food. The ultrasound is hanging on our fridge. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 788
You deserved it 5 759

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I suggest you tape the ultrasound to his forehead.

bott_fml 4

Sounds like you're going to have to point it out to him. Your husband doesn't seem too bright.


Llamacod 11

You had an ultrasound of your adipose tissue?

Wow what a jerk I would have when ape shyt on him. Men ugh!

well congrats on the baby even though he didnt notice the ultrasound on the fridge when he got some food. congrats though

Simply reading that comment ("a LITTLE heavy" "MIGHT want to lay off the junk food"), it sounds like he could easily be trying to nicely break it to you that you're legitimately getting fat. Perhaps you should consider taking his advice because if he's right, you're going to have a hard time losing that unnecessary weight after you give birth.

The phrasing is exactly the problem. You're supposed to get a little bit heavier when you're pregnant. OP's husband seems to want her to go the whole nine months without gaining any weight at all, and that's neither realistic nor healthy.

Without more info on the matter, that is a whole lot of assumption you are doing. A lot of women use pregnancy as an excuse to eat whatever they want. Op should probably not even eat junk food when pregnant at all. Also consider the fact the husband used fairly careful wording compared to some jerks, it is entirely possible it isn't all baby fat we're talking about here...

lopecrit 7

Did you know some people actually lose weight when pregnant

monnanon 13

i did. i lost a stone and a bit. no idea how aoart from i coukdnt drink anythibg apart from water and tea due to acid reflux. apart from that i didnt change my diet at all and was sick once.

you're not supposed to gain more than 20 pounds at full term. Most pregnant women use the pregnancy as an excuse to pig out and then when they have the baby they are left with all this extra weight and they can't do anything about it cause they are also taking care of the baby. Also, DON'T EAT JUNK FOOD WHILE PREGNANT! FOR HEAVENS SAKE! You need to take care of your baby!!

monnanon 13

a little bit of junk is fine. the body wants what it wants when you're pregnant. my biggest craving was for shellfish which is a big no no apparently. i still ate them every week and had a very healthy baby. as long as you dont go overboard then you are fine. cravings are usually your bodies way of signalling a need.

You must have never been pregnant Ms. Trashy.

@#84: That is an incredibly well supported argument. You completely convinced me there... By the way, that was sarcasm...

The amount of offended people here is too damn high!

The amount of offended people here is too damn high!

Well you shouldn't be eating so much junk food in your pregnancy. You are what you eat, and in this case: your child will be what you eat. Be a more responsible mother!

When you assume, you make an ASS out of U and ME. Didn't your mother ever teach you that?

problematiclife 8

Hey this is Mimi and I have gained 12 lbs in 5 months of pregnancy. He is simply rude.

crazytwinsmom 25

Congrats! You're doing great!

problematiclife 8

Thanks and he is being less rude now!!

No matter how much you gained or lost, he shouldn't be making jokes like that. You're growing another human. There's no need to try and diet or starve yourself while your body's trying to make another human being.