By KittyKat - 03/11/2013 14:22 - United Kingdom - Milton Keynes

Today, my husband was getting undressed. I told my 2-year-old daughter not to go in our bedroom because he was undressing in there. I turned my back and she instantly ran off to my bedroom. I heard her shout "I can see daddy's tail!" Now, she points to everyone's crotch and shouts "TAIL!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 943
You deserved it 7 097

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shouting "tail" isn't the worst thing she could say.

And when she's fourteen, this will serve as an embarassing story.


This was do preventable. Never tell a kid not to do something like that because their curiosity is going to get the better of them and they will try the first chance they get. And I don't know how many fmls could be avoided by using a simple door lock. You can get them cheap at hardware stores. Really, I promise.

Hopefully she wont remember this story or else she will be scarred for life!

Lemonmonger 4

You should know never to tell a child something they don't know about. Telling them makes them want to do it.

Just explain the truth to's just a penis. She doesn't have to know about puberty and sex and babies and everything but there's nothing wrong with knowing that men have penises. It's not exactly something you can keep secret for much longer than 2 anyway. Life was bound to spoil it eventually.

I agree, it's not such a big deal. It's what you make it.

imagineapc 11

Completely agreed. Men have a penis, women have a ******. Teach her anatomy. Op completely deserves this.

A good idea, except that she's two. she won't have a clue, nor shall she remember what they're talking about.

I knew the difference between boys and girls and penis and ****** at age 3. Just found it embarrassing that my mom kept notes on my commentary and bought it up at my 21st.

76, assuming she knows what arms, legs and other body parts are, I'm sure she can manage to remember the names of genitals.

cryssycakesx3 22
SuperMew 22

Norvi, I have had many an argument with my mother over her need to share embarrassing stories from my childhood. Always seemed really passive aggressive and rude to me. On another note, my 3 year old cousin knows the diff between male and females, can explain it well enough with her limited vocabulary, and has no freak outs or problems knowing this. She asked, we explained it to her, and she does not point at people and announce they have vaginas and dicks. Op is at fault for trying to shelter her child in the wrong ways.

Hopefully she'll just forget after a while? Or just tell her not to say that if she wants ice cream.

paintedsunflower 3

this funny no questions about it. . just lock doors when you're dressing

When she gets a boyfriend, ask her if she has seen his tail.

After reading this FML, I began to wonder: "Heads or tails?" Which one would be worse between the two for a 2 year old to shout out and point at peoples crotches in public? FYL indeed OP. Perhaps a hilarious memory to re tell your child when they are old enough. :P

imagine the horror if he were "wagging his tail"