By ryanharp2 - 27/07/2012 05:05 - United States - Conway

Today, my iPhone got back from being fixed. When I opened the box there was a note attached to my phone that said, "All you had to do was turn it on." FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 712
You deserved it 42 989

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And you couldn't figure this out, why?

sandinthewaves 5


There is a reason why people ask if you've tried turning it off and on again. Take a tip from IT Crowd.

pretty sure you don't actually need a smartphone. sorry, OP, you'll have to be a trend sheep for something less complicated and.. young. like crocs.

Once my iPhone cover flipped the side mute button and I couldn't figure out why I didn't have volume. Yeah, I felt stupid when the Apple person took the cover off and showed me that switch. :P We all have facepalm stories.:P

when your phone switches on- do not send it back again ..they are your apps !!

GucciMane1993 2

I made a fml acc to tell you that your a moron

catanita 18

Maybe a smartphone is too smart for you. You should try Nokia C1100. :):):)

how old are you ? haha hopefully you will learn from your mistakes