By Anonymous - 08/06/2011 11:22 - France

Today, my kitchen is flooded, and according to my landlord, this is normal, because it rained last night. Funny, I thought the purpose of a roof was to stop water from getting in. Guess I was wrong. Silly me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 411
You deserved it 3 826

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

No, how could you be so mistaken? The purpose of a roof is for protecting basilisks, he who should not be named, an other demonic forces from crossing over into the mortal world.

enonymous 8

My roof only protects me from the Government stealing my grandma's cookie recipe.


I am the most awesome person EVERY day thank you very much.

poopdayz 6

Ouch. I guess you should buy a little boat or tube. :)

Guess he forgot to mention it was a pool house.

Capt_Oblivious 10

A roof is there as more of a guideline to suggest it not enter

on the plus you could have a little radio controlled boat ferry drinks around :D

perdix 29

You are silly. The purpose of a roof is to give the landlord an excuse to charge you rent. If you want a fancy-ass rain-blocking roof, you'll have to pay higher rent; a Rent That's Too Damn High.

kmarrs 2

As AWESOME as that rent is too damn high reference/joke was, the OP is from France so I doubt she got the actual reference.

That does not matter. The chances of the OP reading these is slim.

Zombieslayer1 0

I don't see why you'd be under the impression that a roof blocks the rain, it's meant to strain the water for you. Then you don't have any raccoons floating in.