By somerandomchick - 31/03/2009 05:32 - United States

Today, my little sister got mad at me because I wouldn't let her read my IM conversation. I took a nap and when I woke up, my laptop was gone. She took it on a trip to her grandparents' house, six hours away. Nude pictures of me and my paper due tomorrow are on the laptop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 935
You deserved it 30 497

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Having grown up with 2 older sisters I have learnt that you never let a girl no matter what the age walk away angry and thinking that they need to get back at you. What you should have said was something like "I will show you, but only if you prove to me that your old enough by doing X", and making X an impossible task of some kind. That would have distracted her with something else and she probably would have forgotten about it some time later if she was going to your granparents anyway. Either that or you shouldn't leave your laptop just out in the open where little hands can snatch it. Hope you passworded your profile at least!

Darth_Taco 14

See, this is why you shouldn't keep naked pictures of yourself on your electronic devices. Make sure to delete them as soon as you get your laptop back. And about the paper...I'm so sorry. Always make sure you keep a back-up or two.


HAHA #44 that's like my favorite quote of all time!! #43 why does it matter if ppl have friendly chats on here, but not if they fight each other? at least the topic is relevant. #55 is OP #60 LOL and finally, #65 has a very interesting point. . . . but yea, not the best idea to have nude pix in general, but especially not on something so portable.

scalenehourglass 0

your sister's a bitch, and you're an idiot. back up your work and don't save nude pics

WWiD 0

First: Beat the crap outta your little sister upon return. Next: Buy a cable lock for your laptop. Comes in handy at home and away from home!

MukyDaCookie 0

Jim and King, I realise I don't have any authority but I ask you as a small favour. Please stop having personal conversations on FML topics. I'm sure, since you guys seem pretty close, that you have each others e-mail adresses? I've seen it on 3? FML's that I have visited. It just gets a bit annoying and draws away from the actual FML which is what we are supposed to be commenting on. Thanks alot guys, sorry if I sound a bit pompous. To the OP; That's horrible. Sucks that you lost your school work, but the nude pictures of yourself? Cmon, why do you even have those? Hope it works out

415chick 0

All that just because she couldn't read your IM convo? Co-Sign #95

xiloveyoux3 0

This is why you put passwords. This way, she can't get in.

Angi0 0

wow she sounds like a little bitch. If I had a sister like that she'd either be psychologically traumatized or dead.

Fyl for not having your laptop stole and having an important paper Ydi for not hiding your laptop and having nude photos

AlwaysDouze 0

Why would you have nude pics of yourself in the first place?

Quinnjamin 0

1) Don't take nude pics or at least don't put them on your laptop. 2) Set a password