By Wallz99 - 19/04/2013 06:00 - Pakistan - Plot

Today, my long-distance girlfriend drunk dialed me and told me she was horny. Surprised, I exclaimed, "You're horny?" without realizing my boss was right next to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 373
You deserved it 23 375

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Drunk, horny and far away? Your boss knowing that is the least of your problems. A man on her end of the phone should be of more immediate concern to you! This is not going to end well.


well hopefully you two can get a good laugh out of it. if your boss is a man then you're probably in the clear if you have at least a decent relationship with him. it's not that terrible. I can't speak for your job but i know my fiancées boss would be cracking up laughing. but if your job is not that way, then good luck, on keeping your job. now if your boss is a female, then unless she likes women too, like me, then you can probably expect some kind of disciplinary action or write up, hopefully not loosing your job, that would be a tad dramatic, ha but what else would you expect from a females ha ha. either way good luck to you!

Long distance is so tough! Totally hilarious