By Anonymous - 16/08/2012 06:33 - United States

Today, my mom asked me if I had any plans to go out tonight. To divert attention, I pretended to be angry and accused her of prying into my social life. Actually, I have no social life and nobody to go out with. My only "big plans" were to finish my Sudoku book. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 144
You deserved it 24 210

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your mum was being nice to you!!! How could you be mean like that for no reason?!?!


I half way think that your life sucks and that you deserve it, partly because you could remedy to this situation by going out and trying to make some friends. On the other hand, solving Sudoku puzzles is a very nice way to spend an evening.

Don't be a jerk to your mom because you have no plans.

Gosh, now you are pathetic with anger issues! You should work on that.

skullofdarkness 18

I'll be your friend OP! :) just don't yell at me.

zuzupetalsYO 11

Maybe she wanted to actually hang out with you. Man, I do love Sudoku.

coolbrony12 3

Woah next new Twilight Sparkle! Go make some friends!

Your life need to take it our on your mom!

Britt125 16

Could have just said no, I don't feel like doing much. No need to be a jerk. YDI. Plus she probably figured out why you were being so defensive and upset, because people don't tend to do that for no reason, so you're really not covering anything up. Oh, and you might want to think about why you don't have friends. Yelling at people for asking a basic question, might be a reason.

Why are so many people on here so ashamed of having not much of a social life that they lie about it? If you like staying home and doing sudoku, or going to movies by yourself (I think that's one of the things someone else mentioned), just do it. You don't have to always be out partying with lots of 'friends' around just so other people won't think you're a loser. Not everybody needs or prefers a lot of people around to enjoy themselves. And of all people, your mum is probably least likely to make fun of you for not going out. She'd be glad you're not likely to get up to anything stupid. If, on the other hand, you really don't like sitting at home doing sudoku, and would rather be going out, then yes, fyl, but there's no need to lie about it.