By Anonymous - 16/08/2012 06:33 - United States

Today, my mom asked me if I had any plans to go out tonight. To divert attention, I pretended to be angry and accused her of prying into my social life. Actually, I have no social life and nobody to go out with. My only "big plans" were to finish my Sudoku book. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 144
You deserved it 24 208

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your mum was being nice to you!!! How could you be mean like that for no reason?!?!


chellytiger 12

Ever think that maybe she just wanted to spend time with you. I get you have no life but being mean to your mom isn't right. She might have just wanted some mom and daughter time.

So why have you decided OP is a) old enough to work and b) unemployed?

skittycat213 19

Terrible pun, but great at the same time lol

Sounds like an average night for me, except replace sudoku with fapping....

So on an average night you "...finish your fapping book"?

lexiieeex3 32

You're an asshole. You truly are.

Ixi_the_pixie 11

When OP apologizes to her mom, it's an opening to how she can help OP get a social life. Moms were teens, too. We don't know the situation; she may have just moved there, changed schools, have no transportation, little money, any number of issues. Hope OP's mom would be constructive and work with her daughter.

Maybe if you were not so psychotic and not a jerk to people for no reason, you would have a social life OP

skittycat213 19

Hey now, sudoku is great! But it doesn't have to rule your life tho ;)

om102907 4

Juvenile.... Plain and simple!