By Anonymous - 16/08/2012 06:33 - United States

Today, my mom asked me if I had any plans to go out tonight. To divert attention, I pretended to be angry and accused her of prying into my social life. Actually, I have no social life and nobody to go out with. My only "big plans" were to finish my Sudoku book. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 143
You deserved it 24 207

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your mum was being nice to you!!! How could you be mean like that for no reason?!?!


Perhaps try to make some friends who also like Sudoku? "Hey there, I like the way you fill out your boxes, call me" Easy. ;)

Your mum was only trying to be nice, you didn't need to act like an asshole towards her.

I think Noor's point is that she would actually be socializing with people in a job, unlike she currently is.

Y'know, maybe your mom was going to invite you somewhere if you had no plans. Ever thought of that?

linkinpark98 23

My mother would have thrown whatever she had in her hands at me... This is why I never bother my father either when he's working with car parts.

Not always true, sometimes they just don't quite fit in, have social anxiety or they're bullied. She must have been upset when she was rude to her mom, shouldn't judge her harshly except tell her she was wrong in being rude & not apologizing to her mom after.

maybe your mom had something planned for you and you were too much of a B**CH to be kind to your mother

ellytoad 13

Come on, company isn't required for going out. I'd do it myself... if my parents trusted me to be out in public after dark on my own. *sigh*

I guess we know why you have no social life now.

Make some friends instead of getting mad at your mom.