By stillwaiting - 09/03/2009 20:48 - United States

Today, my mom called and told me I got accepted to my first-choice college. I got really excited and asked her to read me the letter. As she started to read it, she said, "Oops... uh, nevermind." FML
I agree, your life sucks 77 495
You deserved it 3 148

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I may be wrong but don't rejection letts come in a small envelope as opposed to a larger envelope if your accepted, mine did anyways.

PhishloverA 14

Yeah you don't get into college just based on your grades and your GPA. People you know can also get you into college believe it or not.


moomoofarm 0

ahah this is gonna happen to me...

truth_fml 0
tiki_92090 0

That happened to me with my Grandma. She said that I had received a big envelope from a school that was close to home. I thought, big envelope=acceptance, right? Well turns out she got confused and it was a tiny, tiny envelope saying that I was rejected for not sending in my transcripts. I sent my high school one twice and my online classes were on going, so I couldn't even send those grades. So yeah dumbasses all around. I feel for ya, but even if, you can always go to a community college and transfer in, they almost always never reject transfers. That's what I did when I was stuck in Germany.

That sucks. But I don't get why she would think it said "Congratulations!" instead of "We're sorry to inform you..." guess you must take after her.

That sucks. But I don't get why she would think it said "Congratulations!" instead of "We're sorry to inform you..." guess you must take after her.

we can't tell if this is an fml cause u didn't say the school.

Whiterabbitm1 0

that is messed up there are so many parents, from what I have read on this site that **** with their kids like that what the hell it's not funny it damned devistating!

YDI for not knowing that "I"s should be capitalized.