By Anonymous - 21/09/2013 04:07 - United States - Mccomb

Today, my mom found my dad's hidden stash of cigarettes. He told her they were mine and now I have to spend two hours at therapy for my "smoking problem" every weekend. I've never smoked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 190
You deserved it 3 530

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm pretty sure you can tell a smoker from a non smoker. Just tell your mom to check his teeth

Just tell your mom that you need your dad there for "support".


way to man up and take 1 for the team! hopefully your dad returns the favor.

Black mail your dad into giving you just compensation for your time spent. Like 50 dollars for every class.

fabricatedego 5

well have you told the therapist this information?

Well, you can probably bribe your dad into getting you all kinds of stuff! :0

If its not a group therapy or sessions with mom in the room, then just take advantage of this to talk about the fact that your father is lying to your mother and punishing you for his mistakes. You'll probably find a solution within the first session.

Just ask them to take you to a doctor, it'll be obvious then if you've ever smoked