By jll14 - 31/03/2013 22:27 - Malaysia - Kota Kinabalu

Today, my mom has forbidden me from drinking skim milk, because my sister is upset that I'm skinnier than her. The same sister who refuses to drink any other milk than 2% chocolate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 626
You deserved it 2 849

Same thing different taste


simplysarcastics 26

Your mom is very unfair, why would she try to stop you from being healthy! Fight for you skim milk if you can.

ironik69 31

Cake forever? I'm sure that would get ol...awww who am I kidding? Cake forever could never get old!!!

I'd still drink it and when she asks why there's always less and less act innocent

I see you're drinking 2%, is that because you think you're fat? You could be drinking whole if you wanted to...

Tell her to jog on. Should help with all of the problems...

I would say for you to start buying 2% chocolate milk and whole chocolate milk and swap the labels. Make her think she is drinking skim milk and you are drinking whole milk, and all the while wondering why she is still putting on weight.

Seems rather counter-productive, doesn't it....

rikacat 1

You know what they say, once you go chocolate you never go back

My mom wouldn't me drink skim either :( she said she refuses to pay for piss and water.

rg350dx 29

Your mom might be a total nutjob but chocolate milk is the shit. Cept you drink whole not that 2% crap, but then you goto the gym and work it off.