By Anonymous - 30/11/2009 02:39 - United States

Today, my mom sat on a pencil and started bleeding. She then made me clean the wound on her butt and put ointment on it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 135
You deserved it 4 928

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're a woman and her child, so perhaps she trusted you. What if someday your mom is 87 years old, and requires you to clean her, feed her, and change her diapers all the while she's unable to even talk? Are you going to post on FML about how your life sucks? Or are you going to behave like a responsible, moral person who takes care of her family rather than find it disgusting and something for all to hear?

She sat on a pencil and it magically made her ass bleed? I have an image of a pencil standing straight up and usually just doesn't happen like that, pal.


Oh the horror, did you have to suck out the poison too? I just hope she didn't have a really hairy ass.

Skull_300 0

Next, Mother's calls me into the kitchen. She "accidently" sat down on a cucumber....

If you ever accidentally sit on a cucumber, you need two things and two things quick: a pair of ice tongs and a friend who can keep a secret.

rachelbrianna25 0

is it that big? her butt? i would run and not come back for 24 hrs so she would have it taken care of by then. hahahahaha!

Ungrateful asshole. Your mom changed your diapers. She was in pain and you probably made her feel worse.

jane99 0

How hard is it to clean and bandage a wound the size of a pencil tip?

grinchgirl 0

OMG you selfish little cow. Do you think your Mom WANTED to have to ask you to do that? Maybe she was just as embarrassed as you because she knows what a rotten little brat you are. Oh you poor thing, you had to help your Mom out. Did you think, maybe, since the wound was on her butt, that she couldn't see/reach to clean it out properly and needed HELP. For the record, if it was my Mom I would help her. Would I like it, probably not, would I be a bit embarassed by it, probably, but that's your MOM asshole! Grow the **** up.

Mom: "when you're done playing with my hemmoroid, the pencil hole is a little to the right". Now that would be a proper FML.

a_robot_duck 0

I love how people are calling this chick selfish for not wanting to clean and lube her mom's ass.

hmmm I wonder how that pencil got there in the first place