By helpfulmom - 26/07/2009 18:39 - Canada

Today, my mom taught my boyfriend of 2 weeks how to put on a condom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 136
You deserved it 6 778

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well atleast she won't kill you for having sex now.... o.0


i_own_you 1

If you guys are going to talk use actual words not msn chat after all this is not

OP your mum thinks you are a ****. So do i. FYL ****. ****.your.slutty.******* LIFE.

YDI for not showing him yourself, douche

Itachi661 0

...... well that sucks for you. l50 YOUR A DUMBASS...... that is all I have to say.

dvs01 0

Your mom is cool. You, however, seem to have issues. Perhaps you can talk to them about your mom and get over things that never were a problem.

Dude, really? You think a normal teenage girl wouldn't mind their mother telling their boyfriend how to put something on their dick which he would only need to know if he was planning on ******* them?

God!! WTF why are all of these SLUTTY-*****-ISH moms sleeping with their daughters boyfriends they need to stop being cougars,and get their own ******* life!!!!! I feel really bad for you.Sorry sunshine

I bet your mom is gonna give him pointers when u are doing it