By messyvictor - 28/01/2012 16:19 - United States

Today, my mom told me to clean the house up because she wants to make good impression on the cleaning lady. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 404
You deserved it 3 089

Same thing different taste


banta98 5

Like in that book diary of a wimpy kid. RIP OFF!!!!

Please keep your opinions about the truthfulness of the FML to yourself. Fuckshit...

carleesinco 0
canddyass 0

I've heard something like this is a movie before...

make sure to fix the toilet before the plumber comes...

Colonel_Lexi 18

Marge Simpson did the same thing!

Now go ask your mum for the money she was going to pay the cleaner

My mother in law does this... I could never understand it. I mean, you are paying her to come clean, she EXPECTS the house to be at least a little dirty. Some dust, the floors needing hoovering, something! If you are going to clean the house, save the $400/month.