By messyvictor - 28/01/2012 16:19 - United States

Today, my mom told me to clean the house up because she wants to make good impression on the cleaning lady. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 404
You deserved it 3 089

Same thing different taste


so tell your mom to get rid of the maid and have her pay you and you clean the house. boom. great idea.

daaniel69 6

My mom made me do the same thing! But now there's no more cleaning lady:(

Yeah every time the maid comes i have to clean? It must be a mom thing.

msjoyfull84 0

My man gets me to clean hotel rooms before we leave, and leave the cleaning lady a tip.

bizarre_ftw 21

Just say "have the maid do it, what are we paying her for anyway?" and smile

Lmfao!! That's what my best friends mum says !!! Omg!! Hahaha

taytay7878 0

Hahaha the cleaning lady wtf hahahahahaha your mom is a fail

GoW_Chick 14

It's a pride thing, she doesn't want someone to think she is dirty and judge her for it, it may lack all reason to you, but to her it makes complete sense.