By messyvictor - 28/01/2012 16:19 - United States

Today, my mom told me to clean the house up because she wants to make good impression on the cleaning lady. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 404
You deserved it 3 089

Same thing different taste


AlaskaKid95 7

"she wants to make good impression" Am I the only one that read that in a Russian accent?

Rofl same here, "in soviet Russia cleaning lady clean your house" (just doesn't have that ring to it though)

surfnshred 2

Sounds like the mom from Everybody Hates Chris

I have heard so many people who do that. I really don't get it.

Your family must be doing decently if you have a cleaning lady. A lot of us struggle just to have groceries. Stop whining about something so trivial!

This is very common. Also, people say that you have to look good to go the gym o.O What's the point?

You totally copied that off of diary of a wimpy kid.

...And we don't care about your opinion about the truthfulness of the FML. Enjoy moderation, idiot...

Totally useless is an understatement, shitty deal!

I think it makes perfect sense and it's what any good-mannered person would do. I mean, of course you're not gonna spend a whole day scrubbing every inch of the house, because then indeed it would be pointless to hire someone. But it's gross and inconsiderate to leave all of your stuff lying around all over the place. Wouldn't you feel embarrassed if the cleaning person had to pick up your dirty underwear from the floor before he/she could use the vacuum cleaner ? Usually you hire someone to do the dishes&laundry, to vacuum, dust, mop the floors, change the sheets, but NOT to arrange your things. I doubt you'd want a stranger going through your dresser.