By newdriver - 11/05/2009 00:55 - United States

Today, my mom told me to follow her car closely to my aunt's house. I kept really close to her which caused me to get pulled over for tailgating. I explained everything to the cop so he went over to my mom to see if that was the truth. My mom said she didn't know me. I got a ticket. Thanks mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 80 517
You deserved it 5 634

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So wait... the cop pulled YOU over, and your mom pulled over as well and sat there waiting for the cop to finish talking to you even though SHE wasn't in trouble, and then claimed to not know you even though he presumably explained the situation to her? Doesn't make much sense to me...

that is awful!!! I can't believe your mother would do that to you, that is one of the bitchiest moves ever. I def think she should pay your ticket or talk to the police and get it completely gone. That is bull sh**.


meddude 0

teach that bitch a lesson. get her ******* arrested for something and then be like "oh i don't know you i can't bail you out". she deserves every bit of it. karma's comin for her. #58 not only women change their name at marriage. take your head out of the sand (or your ass, whichever it is).

This makes no sense. You got pulled over for tailgating, but the other person obviously stopped also if the cop was able to walk over and talk to them...Why would they need to pull over if they didn't know you. This is stupid...

Please tell me that your mom will pay that ticket.

Is anyone else noticing a kind of theme here? A lot of Mom's tend to be bitches lately.

Melodyfire 0

For people who are wondering why she pulled over too.... cops can pull over 2 people at once if one person is tailgating another. If you see someone tailgating you and a police car behind em, it's courtesy to pull over as well. As for the OP- I'd use this against her for the rest of her life. ^_^

If this isn't fake, I'd probably stop talking to her. "I don't know you, either. Hurrhurr. Think it's funny now?"

amandax6 0

hahah i think it's funny. she probably did it as a joke. get over itttt.

I2OI3 0

Ya sounds like your mom has some resentment issues, that's not cool. I'm sad now. lol j/k

When people say to follow them to a destination, they don't mean to be glued to their rear bumper. Still, FYL.